Customizing Euro-Style Only

For Mr. Chin Ho Pony

¥904,000 (税別)

商品コード: CHP-1 カテゴリー:


This page is dedicated to Mr. Chin Ho Pony.

This page is private, so only those who know this URL can see it.

Below are photos of the parts we will be showing you.
Please take a look at them.

The volume of your order will require two parcels.
In order to keep EMS shipping costs as low as possible,
we have made arrangements so that only EMS 30kg: 75,100 JPY will be shown on this payment page.

1 ) BAD LAND Original Air Box Type-D / No paint 90,000 JPY
2 ) Drilled Plate for Type-D / Alumi. 38,000 JPY
3 ) OEM Gasoline Tank : 2007~ VRSCDX 50,000 JPY
4 ) Exhaust in One-Off / HiGH & LOW Design 260,000 JPY
>> Heat-resistant black paint finish
>> Aluminum end caps, silencers, brackets, etc. are included.
5 ) Rear Fender in One-Off / No paint 280,000 JPY
6 ) Solo Seat in One-Off 88,000 JPY
7 ) License Plate Support Bracket for OEM Swingarm 98,000 JPY
>> Include LED Taillight
>> We will ask you for the USA license plate size later.

Total : 904,000 JPY

( 2 点 )